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Monday, March 25, 2013

Finally meet my sweet cousin's little man, Carter Harrison Mhoon, yesterday!  He's sooo precious!  He is 2 months old weighing in at a big 8 lbs 7 oz (just an ounce over kly's birth weight!) .  I loved meeting him & seeing Ashley & Becky!  Love those girls!
Somehow I missed getting a picture of the Bride & Groom this weekend, but Congratulations to
 Chad & Lea West!  The wedding was beautiful & we had a great time!  Thanks to one of my awesome best friends for entertaining Kly!  We love you T!  Oh and let me brag on my talented cousin, Brittany, she can do any project thrown her way & she can make cakes like none other!  Here are the bride's & groom's cake she made for Chad & Lea...

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