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Saturday, July 30, 2016

First family outing

Good thing we decided not to attempt a beach trip this year.  Today we drove to Simmons sporting goods in Bastrop, LA (only two hours away).  It was like a circus!  Feeding and changing a newborn in the car, continuously adjusting air and DVD player for the older child, getting snacks and drinks for everyone, cleaning up snacks and drinks after they were spilled every where (and of course we didn't get the right drink for Kly), changing and feeding baby again in the car, stopping for Kly to tee tee on the side of the road (in the middle of no where), taking her panties off and making her ride in damp shorts after she tee teed all over herself when trying to squat! Lol Wow!! Traveling anywhere with two is quite different!  Well getting ready with two is a task in itself!  I love this life but man from the outside looking in we have to look a mess!

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