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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mini Cheer

playing in the playhouse

Big/Lil Sis for the Green Team

6 months?!

      trying to drive,  has two little bottom teeth, says ba-ba-ba and da-da-da, growls alot and screams excitedly and very loudly!

headed home....

stopped by to see Chip & Joanna's silos

Missing my babies

but daddy is having fun with them!

Sissy's at cheer camp & shes holding her bottle and waiting patiently for her to come home!
playing outside, cleaning the playhouse, throwing frisbies 

and little miss is just watching!

Austin Day 3

                        Famous Torchys Tacos!

                               Graffiti At Castle Hill

not feeling well so I just chilled at the hotel
                                                 watched the blindside & had room service

                             entertainment later in the form of these two crazy chicks!

Austin Day 2

                           The Cathedral of JUNK

                                         OMG check out all of this Austin Brewed draft beer!