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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quote of the Day:

Lloyd was dancing in the kitchen when i told him he was very weird. He tpld me i was weird and then kly chimed in agreeing with me.  After lloyd told her she was weird too she exclaimed "why would you say that to a small child?!"

ALS challenge

Quote of the day:

Kly walked into the bathroom after someone had used it and and had to leave immediately because it was and i quote "melting my brain!"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Saturday Junkin!

Here we go!

Elk huntin'!

Dress up!

Even got a puppy-betty rose

Trucks all full!

Back is full, our laps full, time to go home!

Kly sneezed when we walked into an antique store and said "im allergic to these garage sales!"  She keeps us entertained!

Day 2 going to school