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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Quote of the day:

After looking at a picture many times in the past few months kly finally asked "on the iPad when I was a baby why were y'all looking at my titty button?" very confused I questioned her a lot. Finally she pointed at her belly button! Just a little off!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Quote of the day:

Riding with uncle dusty to the boat races kly tells him "mommy is going to a wedding" after he asked her a few questions she says "T's getting married to her brother".  Lol happy wedding weekend Santo!
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Last weeks Fair Parade & Fair

Quote of the Day (from yesterday)

Driving home from visiting Gage yesterday we drove with the window down somme because the weather was so fabulous!  When I rolled the window up Kly said "mom we really need to get a car that doesnt have a lid on it!"  I love my child!

Friday, September 20, 2013